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As we enter a new week under the Enhanced Community Quarantine due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, many people have become more anxious about their lives, stirring up feelings of fear and paranoia.

Aside from creativity, being optimistic and diverting your energy to other activities are some of the best ways to keep yourself in check on a daily basis. In a statement, Life coach and author of the best selling book #BestMeEver: Of Positivity and Possibilities, Myke Celis clarifies that fear and panic are normal, but you just have to understand its root cause, ” Fear and panic are normal reactions towards something that is uncertain. But you have to understand where they are coming from.” he said.

Celis who has been in the life coaching business for quite some time also shares that Identifying where the fear came from will help the person to better understand how to address the situation “…is it really from the lockdown or is it something else that’s triggering them? By having a full understanding of their fears, they will be able to address them accordingly in a more logical manner.” he added.

With that, Celis shared some activities to help you avoid anxiety and paranoia during this trying time.

With that, Celis shared some activities to help you avoid anxiety and paranoia during this trying time.

Self Reflection

person standing in front of green plants

Meditate, make peace with the past, celebrate the now,  set goals, draft your action plans —- be excited for what lies ahead after all these are over. Focus on possibilities not on your fears

Be intentional in searching for good news online.

macbook pro on brown wooden table

Detox your timeline. Spread good vibes. But make sure to verify your sources.

Learn something new.

A clay stained hand of a potter engaging in a craft work of pottery or molding

YouTube offers a whole lot of “How to” videos for beginners. Find something that interests you, whether singing, acting, painting or even languages then start from there. Learning a new skill allows you to feel fulfilled and productive which keeps anxiety at bay.

Spring cleaning can do wonders for you.

woman holding green textile

Remove all unnecessary clutter in your space. Very therapeutic because by doing so, you are also able to remove negativity associated with some of the items you’ve been keeping for the longest time. Cleaning up your space allows you to clean up your thoughts too.

Bond with your family and friends and Make up for lost time.

woman and man standing holding white and brown shih tzu

Reconnect. Whether online or offline, connecting with others allows you to feel that you are not alone in your journey.


two hands

Wherever you are, you can do a little something that will have a big impact to those in need. What are you good at that can be of value to those who are in need? To those who also deserve to be happy? What can you do? Helping others will give you that sense of gratitude for what you have in your life right now and as well as make your heart full.
Ed Lorenzo

Edryan Lorenzo, a PR and Marketing practitioner with 13 years of solid experience in the industry of lifestyle, fashion, and e-commerce. I'm into visual arts which includes photography, painting, and sketching. During my free time, I'd prefer to travel to keep my self fueled by different cultures and information. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter at @edryanlorenzo.

About the Author

Edryan Lorenzo, a PR and Marketing practitioner with 13 years of solid experience in the industry of lifestyle, fashion, and e-commerce. I'm into visual arts which includes photography, painting, and sketching. During my free time, I'd prefer to travel to keep my self fueled by different cultures and information. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter at @edryanlorenzo.