
While we are here, under the dark blue skies of Panglao in Bohol, we can’t help but stare with gleeful amazement on how the moon is extra bright and larger than the usual.

If you will take a look outside- as early as now- you’ll notice this universal view, a magical sight to behold called, Supermoon.

this Monday, November 14, the moon will shine its brightest and will set to be the biggest supermoon occurrence since 1984.

A supermoon happens when a full moon coincides with what scientists call the moon perigee — the point in its orbit when the moon is closest to Earth.

This Monday, November 14, 2016, the Moon will be at its closest point to Earth, making it appear closer and larger in the night sky. This already happened last October 16 and will have another this December 14, but this moon won’t be this close until 2034. So grab the moment!

According to NASA, a supermoon can be about 30 percent brighter and appear 14 percent larger than a normal moon. An optical illusion that occurs while the moon is close to the horizon, rising behind closer objects like trees or buildings, can make it appear even more mind-blowingly massive.

If you want to get a perfect view of this once in a lifetime happening, be sure to be in an open ground, or rooftop.
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