The film was originally produced for Film Festival release but is now seeking streaming services to play it.
The film was originally produced for Film Festival release but is now seeking streaming services to play it.
The much-awaited trailer for X-Men: Dark Phoenix has finally arrived and it’s fiery as hell.
The dark side has arrived. In trailer form at least. The long awaited official trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story follows a band of unlikely heroes who come together to steal the plans of the impending Death Star, the Empire’s most feared weapon of destruction headed by the one and only, Darth … Continue reading “THE DARK SIDE RISES IN ‘ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY’ TRAILER”
Take a look at this.
Rihanna debuted her single for Star Trek Beyond in IMAX entitled “Sledgehammer”. Directed by Floria Sigismondi, the sci-fi clip features the Barbadian singer as a powerful space with-like figure who later transforms herself into a celestial entity that comes face to face with the USS starship. In an interview, Rihanna shared that she’s been a big … Continue reading “RIHANNA RELEASES HER SCI-FI THEMED VIDEO FOR STAR TREK’S OST “SLEDGEHAMMER””
Nothing attracts like the scent of Number 2. Zoolander No. 2. A lot of comedic films have poked fun at the fashion industry, but no one does it best like the Zoolander. In this latest trailer from the film, Ben Stiller stars as a centaur – except with the body of a cow instead of a stallion, … Continue reading “ZOOLANDER NO. 2 IS OUT WATCH AND BE CAPTIVATED”
Finally, our Asian princess will get her own spotlight! Following up the success of Cinderella and Maleficent. Disney just spilled the news that they are eyeing in making a live action movie for the Asian heroine, MULAN. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the 1998 animated film will turn into a live action movie very soon. … Continue reading “A NEW LIVE ACTION MOVIE FOR ANOTHER DISNEY PRINCESS, SOON!”
It is no secret that EL James‘ best-selling book Fifty Shades of Grey will soon hit in theaters this February 2015. Much ado for a fire starter, Universal just recently released the movie’s first official trailer. Directed by Sam Taylor, starring Calvin Klein model and actor Jamie Dornan as the wealthy businessman, Christian Grey, and the … Continue reading “FIFTY SHADES OF GREY TRAILER”