We’re running on our fourth-week of staying at home due to the Enhanced Community Quarantine, and with the latest news about its extension until the end of April, we’d like to check how are you keeping?

Aside from ways to avoid anxiety, we have also listed five tips that come in handy to have calm and organized thoughts while keeping your self in check all the time. School from it after the jump.

Make a daily To-Do Checklist

person writing on a book

They say it takes 21 days to build a habit and we’d like to add “and making a to-do checklist is step 1” to that sentence.

You won’t believe how easy it is to be productive with a to-do list. First, make sure the checklist is written down and placed somewhere you can constantly see, without having to look for it. Writing things down manually (not on your laptop or cellphones) has proven to increase the chances of you remembering what you wrote. By placing it strategically, like on a whiteboard, you have a constant reminder about things you have and haven’t accomplished for the day.

Next, make sure that your list is achievable and simple. Mine is as simple as 5 things from Mondays through Fridays: 1-hour exercise, 3 Duolingo exercises, read a book for at least 30 minutes, work research and show work initiative. So many things happen throughout the day that even the simplest things can be missed out. Plus, checking things off can be so fulfilling that it’ll encourage you to finish another task right away. And then when you see how you did after a couple of days, its either you feel good about the work you’ve done or realized how you can do better. It’s a win-win!

Use your break time wisely

White Ceramic Teacup With Saucer Near Two Books Above Gray Floral Textile

If you’re working from home, it’s very easy to get carried away; both from over-working or with unnecessary things. I find it useful to strictly stick to work hours, so I’m doing work stuff in my work station during work hours, which is 9 am-6 pm. During my break, since I’m at home, it’s easier to do non-work-related things like watching sitcoms while eating, taking naps, playing with my dog, doing video calls with friends, and tending on side hustles.

It’s a good stress-reliever and you’re assured you’re not wasting your time.

Limit screen time

Photo of Woman in Gray Sweater Holding White Ceramic Cup While Using Her Phone

One of the first things I realized at the beginning of the ECQ was that I’ve been on social media almost 90% of my waking hours. This just wasn’t healthy for me and I decided to temporarily delete my Facebook and Twitter apps (not my accounts) just so I can limit my usage. This can also apply to gamers *cough Mobile Legends*.

Studies have shown that constant exposure to fast-paced media is addicting. If you feel a certain compulsion to check different platforms, get withdrawals if you’re unable to, and you’re already abandoning your other tasks so you can be updated, you have ticked off 3 out of 5 addiction symptoms. Use responsibly.


woman sitting on sofa while holding food for dog

I cannot emphasize the importance of balance enough. Gone were the days when employees have to be on-call 24/7 to prove themselves worthy of being in a company or when sub-ordinates have to stay later than their bosses just because.

Work should be limited to your work schedules, maybe some OT as needed but no more than that. It’s good to shut down your laptop and make time for yourself and not just the time that’s left-over from when you’re not working.

Reserve 6 pm-8 am to yourself and your family. Work already gets 1/3 of your day, 1/3 for rest, don’t you owe it to yourself and to your family to devote the other 1/3? I’m sure you’re already thinking of something to do, so take this as a sign to go do it! 

Be self-aware

woman sitting down near table reading 101 Essays book

It is very helpful to know and understand how you work. Are you more productive during the day or at night? Do you like following a routine or do you want constant change? Are you easily distracted or find yourself hyper-focused? knowing these things, you can see and arrange your day as to what would work best for you.

This tip goes hand in hand with crafting your to-do list and avoiding your weaknesses or your addictions. Being self-aware also involves some reflection and observation but will be very helpful in the long run. Know what you value. Your values can be as simple as your family, helping out, knowledge, or balance. If you value helping out the most, for example, you can feed this value by always acting on it: helping out with chores, offering to do the grocery run or even doing additional research to help your team at work. Knowing your values can also guide you on tip #2 and #4! See, it all circles back.

It’s easy to lose ourselves in these trying times but as long as we stay focused on what works for us, what we value and what makes us happy would be guided enough to get us through these trying times.

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Yves Corcuera

Yves Corcuera is a graduate of Ateneo de Manila University under the program of European Business Studies. She also finished her Master's Degree at Pace University in New York. During her free time, Yves loves to read books, watch movies and taking care of her beagle named Chano.

About the Author

Yves Corcuera is a graduate of Ateneo de Manila University under the program of European Business Studies. She also finished her Master's Degree at Pace University in New York. During her free time, Yves loves to read books, watch movies and taking care of her beagle named Chano.