Art by Angelica Nepomuceno for Portraits for PH

During these trying times, art and creativity are bringing us closer together now, more than ever.

As the world waits for the current measures to be lifted, exacerbated by a global divide, vulnerable groups who are unable to get access to necessities are facing greater difficulty in their day to day lives.

The coronavirus pandemic may have built walls to separate us from one another, It may have broken down our norm, but no pandemic will ever wither the Filipino resiliency and the will to extend a helping hand for others.

Angelica Nepomuceno, a senior creative director from an e-commerce business based in the Philippines, finds a way to help her fellow Filipinos through her art.

In an online interview, the 28-year-old creative junkie shares how she started her online art campaign, “Since the lockdown, I’ve been reading the news about the current situation in our country. Thousands of Filipinos in this region are dependent on their daily wages. It made me worry about how they’re going to feed their families,”  she recalls.

Angel, as her friends would often call her, started her art portrait projects when an institution tapped her to take part in its initiative to feed Filipino families in selected provinces in Luzon, “The founder of Zero Hunger PH contacted me, and I instantly admired their dedication to help thousands of families during this pandemic period. That’s why I’ve decided to donate all my proceeds to them,” she said.

Through isolation, art has nonetheless served as her sanctuary to flourish. Tapping into her creativity to lend a helping hand to those who are in need and to share a message of hope for everyone, “Using arts to conduct fundraising can inspire people to donate more to the community. I’d like to believe that using my gift and the best of my abilities to help people is way more important than earning money for myself,” she said.

“In this collaborative project, I would like to believe that my portraits would go a long way, not just by making the people who requested but also by letting them be part of the community by donating food to beneficiaries of this fundraising project,” she added.

Despite the current situation that we are facing today, from Nepomuceno’s perspective in life, arts, and creativity, she encourages everyone to be open to new things and opportunities, and create something impactful to the society that we lived in, “If you have the skill, talent, and time, you can always put it to good use. In my case, I teamed up with Portraits for PH for me to help others while being productive on ECQ,” she said.

“Starting a fundraising campaign should be 100% sincere and selfless regardless of the form or medium. I, myself, had my doubts at first. But the high volume of requests and inquiries put my mind at ease that I’m on the right track. The main goal here is to share my talent, inspire people to donate, and help in feeding families affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic.” she closes.

Museums may have closed down temporarily, and cultural institutions may have loomed into uncertainty. But creativity, passion, and a hopeful heart will continue to beat as one.

Ed Lorenzo

Edryan Lorenzo, a PR and Marketing practitioner with 13 years of solid experience in the industry of lifestyle, fashion, and e-commerce. I'm into visual arts which includes photography, painting, and sketching. During my free time, I'd prefer to travel to keep my self fueled by different cultures and information. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter at @edryanlorenzo.

About the Author

Edryan Lorenzo, a PR and Marketing practitioner with 13 years of solid experience in the industry of lifestyle, fashion, and e-commerce. I'm into visual arts which includes photography, painting, and sketching. During my free time, I'd prefer to travel to keep my self fueled by different cultures and information. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter at @edryanlorenzo.