The Ber months have finally unfolded, and this only calls for two authentic things: Celebrating joyous festivities with your friends and loved ones. And what better way to welcome the four-month-long festivity but with a big bright smile, right?

However, now that we are still under a stricter community quarantine, and many are still hesitant to leave their homes to have their next dental appointments. What are we going to do to maintain and manage healthy dental and oral care?

We virtually sat down with Dr. Maria Bianca Beley, and she shared some useful tips that will surely help our readers with their oral care concerns.

If you’re way too conscious with your chompers read further below to make sure your pearly whites and your mouth are squeaky clean and healthy even at home.

Floss at least once a day.

“Make sure you floss your teeth. Flossing is one of the best ways to eliminate dirt and food debris in between your teeth,” says Dr. Beley. “It is essential that you make use of floss that are of high quality like the Sparkle white dental floss,” she added.

Sparkle White Dental Floss features an expanding thread technology that fits the in-betweens perfectly, enough to remove deep-seated dirt and food debris. “Keeping the in-between teeth clean will prevent you from getting tooth decay,” stated Beley.

Though often neglected, Dr. Beley reiterates that some surveys say that 80% of people don’t floss regularly and she recommends everyone to include this in their dental routine. “That’s why Sparkle white dental floss with the expanding technology is a great product that will not only clean the interdental surfaces of our teeth but also will massage our gums lines due to its soft fibers.” She closes.

Mind the bristle of your toothbrush.

Brush with soft-bristled toothbrushes like Sparkle Ionic Toothbrush that will help us easily dislodge plaque and dirt. “Always go for soft-bristled toothbrushes so it won’t be too harsh for your gums and teeth,” says Dr. Beley.

Aside from its top-notch bristles, Sparkle Ionic Toothbrush features Ionic Technology which can be easily activated just by positioning your wet thumb on top of the stainless marker. Ions are proven effective in loosening the bond of dirt and stains from the enamel causing it to be dislodged quickly from the tooth.

Make sure you use mouthwash.

Gargle with Sparkle Mouthwash Fresh and Cool after toothbrushing. This mouthwash also features ionic technology which can easily be activated just by shaking the bottle before using.

Mouthwash is not just effective in keeping fresher breath but it also helps in removing plaques easily.

Drink lots of water.

Aside from keeping you hydrated. Water will avoid you from having a dry mouth which can easily be a source of mouth sores and other infections.

Moderate your colored drinks intake.

Though there’s nothing wrong with having yellowing teeth. Discoloration on your chompers may be caused by your food intake or just plain ol’ genetics, you can still avoid it from worsening if you take colored drinks like coffee, tea, wine, or soft drinks in moderation.

Get used to sipping your drinks with a straw.

If you can’t really avoid drinking coffee or soda. At least take it by sipping it into a straw. It will prevent coffee and other colored drinks from soaking your front teeth.

Others suggest drinking water after having colored drinks to rinse and wash your mouth.

The pandemic may have halted our early holiday celebrations, but that doesn’t mean we are putting our plans on the shelves, and one thing that you can freely share with everyone, especially in these trying times, is your smile, so aside from keeping your overall health in check it is also essential to take care of your oral and dental health.

Do you still want more information on how to take care of your teeth? Watch Dr. Beley on Youtube, and follow Sparkle on Instagram and Facebook for more.

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