Known for their fashion campaigns using group of models posing for the lenses, Dolce & Gabbana is back, celebrating maternal influences and family for Fall 2015, with their latest campaign showcasing all things family and selfies – a great combination we think!

The brand have included someone from every generation, with babies, spaghetti and statement headphones all present. Models in the images include the stunning Ashleigh Good, Vittoria Ceretti, Esmerelda Seay Reynolds, Tami Williams and Sora Cho all wearing pieces from the “Viva la Mama” themed collection.

The campaign images themselves are bright, fun and cute, with just the right amount of glamour that we’d want and expect from the fashion brand.

See the campaign photos below.

Ed Lorenzo

Edryan Lorenzo, a PR and Marketing practitioner with 13 years of solid experience in the industry of lifestyle, fashion, and e-commerce. I'm into visual arts which includes photography, painting, and sketching. During my free time, I'd prefer to travel to keep my self fueled by different cultures and information. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter at @edryanlorenzo.

About the Author

Edryan Lorenzo, a PR and Marketing practitioner with 13 years of solid experience in the industry of lifestyle, fashion, and e-commerce. I'm into visual arts which includes photography, painting, and sketching. During my free time, I'd prefer to travel to keep my self fueled by different cultures and information. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter at @edryanlorenzo.