A nine out of ten rating for Disney‘s Ralph Breaks The Internet. Read ahead for our spoiler-proof review!

©2018 Disney. All Rights Reserved.

Let’s be honest – Ralph Breaks The Internet had big shoes to fill after the blockbuster hit that was Wreck-it Ralph back in 2012. It’s been 6 long years since we’ve had our fill of what it’s like to be a character in an arcade game, and with Ralph Breaks The Internet now filling that void, what a worthwhile wait it was. There’s an underlying theme of growing up right from the get-go – Vannelope quickly realizes that there’s more to life than the confines of her arcade game, and Ralph steps up to the plate like the great friend that he is, to put an end to her longing for more. Then comes a new player in the game – THE INTERNET. With that goal in mind, Ralph and Vannelope find themselves in a goose chase in the hustling and bustling world of the internet, wherein they realize how big the world already is and how differently the world works compared to what they call home.

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The film is a technical marvel with the bounds and leaps that technology has undergone. The world of the game feels sleeker, and the animation smoother. There’s a scene near the climax of the film where Ralph has to come to terms with his own insecurity, with his literal fight against them is a feat in animation. There is also a subtle difference to the character design of old-school Vannelope and Ralph (and their arcade friends), and the more modern and polished friends found on the internet. Even their new friends have noticeably different designs depending on which part of the online experience they reside in.

©2018 Disney. All Rights Reserved.
©2018 Disney. All Rights Reserved.

A treat for both adults and kids alike, the film had more than enough pop culture references to go around and keep audiences hooked. (Can we just also give a special shout-out to how entertaining the Princesses were? We couldn’t get enough of them!)  But all of these are fun additional trappings to Ralph and Vannelope’s relationship, the true heart of the film. For the visuals, the story, the references, the giggles, the tugs on our heartstrings, and every pixel in between, we give Ralph Breaks The Internet a score 9/10.

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©2018 Disney. All Rights Reserved.

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